M - Th: 7AM - 5PM | F: 7AM - 12PM

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 4444 Reviews



Full Synthetic Oil change + Tire rotation

+ Seasonal check up

*Cannot be combined. Must present coupon. Most cars/ light trucks. Includes up to 8 qts. of motor oil & new oil filter. Some vehicles extra. Tax and disposal fee extra. Limited time only.

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EXP. 08-01-24


Diesel Oil Change

(15 qts)

*Cannot be combined. Must present coupon. Most cars/ light trucks. Includes new oil filter. Some vehicles extra. Tax and disposal fee extra. Limited time only.

Book Appointment

EXP. 09-01-24

$57 off

Brakes Special!

Get $57 off Brake Pads & Rotors (per axle)!

*Limit 1 per vehicle. Cannot combine. Must present coupon at check-in. Shop supplies and any additional parts extra. Limited time only.

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EXP. 09-01-24

save on any repair!

Receive $25 OFF of any repair or service of $150 or more!

Receive $50 OFF of any repair or service of $500 or more!

Receive $100 OFF of any repair or service of $1,000 or more!

*Cannot be combined. Not valid on batteries or tires. Must present coupon at check-in. Limited time only.

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EXP. 09-01-24


SECOND OPINION With a Written Estimate

Are you looking for a second opinion on a repair? Let us do it for FREE!

*With written estimate only. Additional charges may apply should further diagnostics be needed. Some restrictions may apply. Cannot be combined. Must present coupon at check-in. Limited time only.

Book Appointment

EXP. 08-01-24

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